Category: Loans

Woman shopping for new car at dealership smiling at salesperson.

What You Need To Know About Auto Loans

Auto loans are a great way to get a new car or truck, but they can be confusing. If you’re in the market for a new car or truck, you’re likely also shopping for an auto loan. Your auto loan will affect your monthly budget for the full term of the loan, so it’s important […]

Young woman pumping gas

FAQ: Should You Use A Credit Card At The Gas Pump?

Q: Should you use a credit card to pay for gas? A: Americans pump close to 393 million gallons of gasoline a day, which is more than a gallon for every American! That’s a lot of gas! And when you think about the high prices at the pump today, you want to make sure you’re […]

The Dos and Don’ts of Debt Repayment

The Dos and Don’ts of Debt Repayment Consumer debt is an extremely contradictory part of our personal finances: it’s at once common and incredibly personal. According to numerous sources, the majority of US adults owe money in some way, shape or form—and yet what this consumer debt represents can vary drastically from person to person. […]